Jenny Wondracek
Director of the Law Library/Professor of Legal Research & Writing
- Law School Staff
Contact Information
- jwondracek@law.eduftp.net
- Capital University Law School
Professor Jennifer Wondracek brings thirteen years of law librarian and teaching experience to the law school. Professor Wondracek most recently served as the Director of Legal Educational Technology for UNT Dallas, which allowed her to build her expertise in legal technology and help establish a technology competency requirement for the JD program at the school. In January 2021, Professor Wondracek was selected as an ABA LTRC Women of Legal Tech honoree. Professor Wondracek also served as a law librarian at the University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Elon University School of Law, and Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law. Prior to becoming a law librarian, she worked with North Carolina Prisoner Legal Services as a Staff Attorney. Professor Wondracek has shared her experience over her seventeen year career with a variety of audiences at conferences and CLEs such as the ABA Techshow, the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting, the CALI Conference, the Dallas Bar Association, and the Texas Bar Association.Professor Wondracek is an active member of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), including several special interest sections, such as Research instruction and Patron Services (past Chair), Government Documents (past Chair), and Academic Law Libraries. In addition, she seeks to be active locally, having worked with several of the regional chapters of AALL, including Dallas Association of Law Librarians (past President) and the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries, as well as her local Bar Associations, including Dallas Bar Association (Committee member for Continuing Legal Education, Library, and Courthouse committees). Professor Wondracek has already sought out the local Ohio law librarian and bar associations to become an active member of her new legal community.Degrees
- B.S., College of Charleston
- B.A., College of Charleston
- J.D., University of North Carolina School of Law
- M.L.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Legal Research
- law Practice Technology
- Law and Technology
- Copyright Law